Suggestion: please update Mojo68/Mojo84 firmware to the latest version.
Steps for Mojo68 /Mojo84 2.4G pairing
Connect the 2.4G dongle (2.4G receiver) to your computer (better the host USB)
Switch to 2.4G mode
The keyboard will start auto-pairing, and the indicator keeps green when it is connected.

If the indicator light keeps flashing green, please reset the 2.4G mode and do the pairing again.
Mojo68/Mojo84 2.4G mode Reset and pairing
Open KBTools with the 2.4G dongle (2.4G receiver)connected to your computer
Change the USB device to MG-Dongle on the right top of KBtools
Keep the keyboard in 2.4G mode
Reset the 2.4G mode by long pressing BT+0 for about 3-5 secs, until the 2.4G indicator light turns red.
If the connected State is still "disconnected", please click “enable pairing” on the setting page of KBTools
The 2.4 indicator light will keep green when it's connected successfully.